Court of Roses is an original fantasy webcomic, written and drawn by Kelsey "Nutty" Peterson, and co-written by Miranda "Blue" Wright.
Follow a ragtag group of bards as they band together and travel the realm of Prismal; Merlow the Rose, half-elf, charismatic leader, bagpiper, and perpetual drunk; Diana the Fleetfoot Fletcher, human tidinit player with a heart of gold; Nocturne, brooding but classy Infernal and violinist; Sven Rockscreamer, goliath drummer and seeker of justice; and Feliks Halfdance, curious gnome who plays accordion and magically conjures their entire backup.
And who knows! Mayhaps they'll solve a murder mystery together!
The comic takes inspiration from both classic fantasy themes (Dungeons and Dragons, Lord of the Rings, The Elder Scrolls, etc.) as well as music across all genres. Specific pages and scenes might even include their own suggested theme songs in the author notes!
Began in February 2018. Updates every Mondays and Thursdays!
About the Authors!
Kelsey "Nutty" Peterson is the creator, writer, and artist for Court of Roses, and is a music enthusiast and gamer living in Southern California. They have a Fine Arts degree in Animation, but comics are more their calling, especially those of the light-hearted fantasy nature. Beware, if you get into the car with them, they WILL show you their character playlists.
Miranda "Blue" Wright wrangled her way into co-authorship via enthusiastic headcanons, helpful story advice, and music composition for the characters. She's a novelist by trade, but loves storytelling in all formats. When not writing her books or working on Court of Roses stuff, she can be found reading fantasy books, crocheting, and bopping along to music.